Chapter 7 Example Circuits

63 example circuits and simulations from Chapter 7: Op-Amps. 1 min read

This page collects interactive circuits and simulations from Chapter 7 of Ultimate Electronics Book: Op-Amps.

Exercise Click any circuit to open in a new tab. Most include simulations.

From Chapter 7.1 The Ideal Op-Amp (Operational Amplifier) 

The ideal op-amp model is a key building block of designing analog filters, amplifiers, oscillators, sources, and more.

From Chapter 7.2 Op-Amp Voltage Buffer 

An op-amp voltage buffer mirrors a voltage from a high-impedance input to a low-impedance output.

From Chapter 7.3 Op-Amp Voltage Reference 

A voltage divider (or other reference element) plus an op-amp can create a fixed or adjustable voltage reference.

From Chapter 7.4 Op-Amp Non-Inverting Amplifier 

An op-amp circuit forming a voltage amplifier, using negative feedback to multiply an input signal by a positive gain set by two resistors.

From Chapter 7.5 Op-Amp Inverting Amplifier 

An op-amp circuit forming a voltage amplifier with negative gain set by the ratio of two resistors.

From Chapter 7.6 Op-Amp Transimpedance Amplifier 

A transimpedance amplifier (TIA) converts a current to a voltage and is often used with current-based sensors like photodiodes. It’s also a common building block that helps explain the performance and stability limits of many other op-amp circuits.